The number 1 among the Test Studios

High-quality market research has been our primary focus since back in 1982, and we have since realized this at the four m-s Teststudio core sites in Nuremberg, Hamburg, Cologne and Stuttgart. Meanwhile, through the cooperation with Punkt Teststudios and Herzog + Glaser Teststudios, we have been able to convince our customers in ten large cities throughout Germany of our reliability, expertise and high precision.

Thanks to their ideal position in and around major shopping streets, i. e. in the heart of the cities, our studios are able to reach almost all target groups directly and immediately. With the aid of our extensive database and professional recruiters, we comply with even difficult quotas in an unerring and accurate way. Our advanced studios offer flexible and best-equipped customer and group rooms. Thus, performing tests in the entire consumption, investment goods, service, media and pharmaceutical sector is made possible without problems.

Our modern test kitchens and sensory labs including the corresponding sensory test booths are of special importance. We combine scientific market research, professional know-how and excellent research quality – all of which makes us the ideal partner for interviews, group discussions and studio tests. We offer you the highest possible degree of benefits and a centralized organization. Working with us means you will receive everything from a single source, which is a considerable and time-saving advantage.

As central contact persons for all studios, Mr. Herzog, managing director of m-s Teststudios and Herzog + Glaser Teststudios in Nuremberg, and Mr. Jürgen Glaser, managing director of Punkt Teststudios and Herzog + Glaser Teststudios, are at your disposal.

For further information please refer to our information brochure “Teststudios Deutschland” (approx. 13,5 MB).

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